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Thursday, July 26, 2007 @7/26/2007 10:42:00 PM

I Don't know what had seriously gotten into me, i actually been conscientiously returning home everyday once school has ended for only one apparent reason, STUDY. It has never appeared to me that i actually seriously wanted to study like mad every as I'm typing this blog entry I'm trying to absorb as much of my E-math for tomorrows' test. Many would have known me as a natural born slacker by nature. Even I ,myself, too agree that i,m a slacker.
Since last year I've been slacking throughout all my school work. Failing practically every subject thoroughly. When school reopen, also after my Retirement in NCC, i started to look towards studies. During the June school holidays i had attempted to finish all my homework and in the end i almost succeed. Still couldn't complete everything. Also i started to pass my test. The first A-math test i pass was the one on Differentiation, but that only because it only at the very beginning of the chapter. With more of it taught, it was time i have to revise but i did not really practise enough for the test resulting in a 8/20 score. 2 more bloody marks to pass, if i only had complete that 2nd question and did not have that last minute mental blockage.

This few week was quite boring. Just the usual, "Morning go school, afternoon go home" scheme. Wonder how long this drive to study will last? Hope it last a long term so that all my subject will improve?

Another issue for this week was that i wasn't able to save up my money!! The money just come and go. I've been wanting to save up for the Nike hoop messenger bag. And once again the policy for thing that i want again is to Score well in everything. What a lame policy. I've been facing it for let's say since i was born. Quite irritating actually to hear your parent firing you off with this phrase before u even finish asking them if you could purchase any item of your choice. First was the Crumpler, now a bloody Nike bag. What's next? What the big deal? I'm using my own saving here?

Oh well 12.15am, guess i have to get off the Laptop and fly to bed.
Yeah! Laptop! First time actually using a Laptop for a major use.
Damn! There's still E-math and Chinese test tomorrow!

And so The Mugging spirit goes on!!!

Flying off
Shawn Koh Z. K.

That Guitar Strummed again
The Violin got mysteriously bowed

Monday, July 16, 2007 @7/16/2007 10:04:00 PM

Finally i can relex for a moment on hearing people screaming about the "O" Level Chinese examination. Today marks a very remarkable day as i close the "Chinese O level Period".

OK here are more details on Todays' Listening comprehension paper A.K.A Paper 3/1162/03.

Due to time constraint and tiredness i shall jump straight to the topic of todays entry.

At 2.15, Jia Qing, Yong Jian and me was already sited in 4/5 class room waiting for the time to arrive. Soon the others arrived. Almost immediately, the class turn into a havoc . There was people running all round the place. Disturbing other for the sake of 1 word, FUN.
Suddenly the class turn orderly. The invigilator came in. This was the most funniest part because a Chinese National Examination was invigilated by an India Teacher. The reaction for my was : What the fuck?? What kinda practical fucked up joke was this??
The best part of this examination was that it was actually played over Live Radio telecast. The entire Examination was played on Symphony 92.4 Fm. The radio station that i used to love listening when in Primary school. That was when i was totally an innocent dumb little boy. But right now it jamming on 987Fm!!
During the section of time when we were made to listen to some music before the DJ played the Exam., we got to hear some funny stupid screwed up music. The only good piece of Music was the Canon Played on air. the version was somehow at a faster tempo that the normal one. It was more of a staccato piece. The way the three different violinist combined was just too great. Wonder where i can get that version?

Now for the examination. it started at 3pm sharp. The whole examination was played promptly and there goes the flow of passages read out in Chinese. I went insane Listening soo attentively that after the examination i got a terrible headache.

So now i only got one thing left to say about the Singapore Cambridge "O" level Examination!!!
You Suck Fucking Big time!!!
You Suck Big Time man!!!

Flying off
Shawn Koh Z.K

That Guitar Strummed again
The Violin got mysteriously bowed

Sunday, July 15, 2007 @7/15/2007 11:01:00 PM

Many events has taken place this weekend. Also recently.
Recently even i myself notice a change in the way i do things. From what i fell, the main reason should be the stepping down of duty from my CCA. The way i treat going for trainings?
I've been having a "i don't give a damn!!" attitude towa
rds NCC. To me i feel odd. But i'll get use to it.

Also due to complains that this blog is all words and nothing else i shall upload more pictures.

Ok! Topic: Weekend

The Weekend stared for me on Friday night. I did not know what had got to my Mum but she just drag us out of the House to watch one of the shows that i wanted to watch for this whole period.

The poster of the movie i watched is uploaded.
Harry Potter And the Order of Phoenix.
This movie did not seem as long as the other Harry potter Hits. But it does has more effects put into this one. Those who read the book. This Movie would seem
a little disappointing to you because many of the scene are taken out.

To me the best part(s) of the film are the part where Fred And George (th
e twins) escape from the grudges of the crazy new headmistress Professor Dolores Umbridge. I must say, and say it in bold This persons charactor in the show resembles my geography tecaher, Mrs H. Ismail. Her crazy nature and the way she commands her words while trying to "shoot" at people is like my teacher.
The other scene is the part When Harry (finally) Kissed Cho. It was a
funny part, The after math left the entire Cinema laughing.

Next Topic.
Finally my Dad brings us to Sim Lim Square
to Shop. there i saw many electronics. At Sim Lim Square, i started to scout for an Audio adapter for my Handphone. At first i was Dam tempted to buy the $36.90
official Nokia Audio adapter but was stopped by my Mum again. She
instead Asked the shop keeper on what other compactable adapter they have to offer. Immediately the Shop keeper when over to another table and took one for me. At first i was still reluctant to try using the adapter but after that i look at the factors, the Pros and Cons of buying it. Within 5 minutes, i found myself queuing up to pay for TWO of them. one for my Brother. I've been owing him a new ear piece for a bloody long time. This was the only best time to repay him.
The following is a picture of what I've bought.

To me this device look like a modified piece of Wire that DOES really work. This surprise me!!

After the few hours of walking in a shopping centre. we decided to go out fo
r some fresh air and Lunch. Just as we finish eating at Burger Kings. we saw a Doughnut stall just 3 stalls away from burger kings. my Mum whom had craving for doughnut ever since the ones we had at VivoCity, we went to the stall. But another stall caught our attention more than the doughnut.

This was the stall that caught our attention. Inside, owner Dennis (real name used for shop name) had warmly welcome us to to the stall. inside he sells all sorts of instrument. When my parents told him abut the Three of us being violinist, he got so excited. Wonder why? He got even more excited when he heard that i was into learning both the Violin and the guitar. Still the same question, Wonder why? Also through the conversation we had, we found out that he is actually the main provider of many Schools' Band instrument.

Ok that about it for this eventful weekend.
Damn It i still got O level Chinese Listening comprehension tomorrow and I've been staying up soo late in the computer? Whiat the hell am i doing?

Flying Off
Shawn Koh Z. K.

That Guitar Strummed again
The Violin got mysteriously bowed

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 @7/10/2007 08:56:00 PM

Haven't been blogging frequently recently. Guess i didn't have the time and the inspiration to type or write out my thoughts.

Recently things have been moving smoothly for me. Not much set-backs except for NCC training. The first two trainings were not really as fun as before when i was still "in" the unit. I was sort of too bored to death. so i decided to interfere a bit. But who knows those God-damn CLTs made everyone to warn me about that small action. This made me Very unhappy. Since they complain so much i shall Shut the fuck up and forget about NCC. Not attend anything at all. This may seem like a childish act, but to me its the best solution.

Ever since the first day i was born, people already started to just hate me for no apparent reason. until now i still ask that simple question to myself. What have i done wrong to deserve this? Why am i hated all the time with no reason?

I got this damn strong felling that the CLTs when they were NCOs they already hated me for joining this Wonderful CCA.

Thy shall not go on.

Now for the next topic on the List.
The Live earth concert. It was quite a successful as a music concert but as a program to raise awareness?? No. After the concert on 8 July Sunday the news reflected images of concert areas dumped all over with the mess the audience made. Cleaners had to walk the entire place to clear up everything.
I feel they should plan in the way the audience clear their mess. place recycle bin all over instead of rubbish bins. Also there wasn't a specific aim of this program. Yes, they did say it's for Global warming but they should teach the people basic things like the 3Rs, Reduce, Reuse and recycle.
From my point of view people watch this performance not for the campaign but to just support their favorite band. I should be counted off as half of this group of people because i was watching to support LINKIN PARK. But during this concert they did not perform up to standard.

never thought of this am i right?

Nevertheless it did not fail totally to spread the message across the globe.

here is the best part of the entire Live Earth program. Guaranteed to leave you laughing!!!

Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!

Flying off
Shawn Koh Z.K.

That Guitar Strummed again
The Violin got mysteriously bowed

Monday, July 9, 2007 @7/09/2007 09:59:00 AM

Yoz!!! Blogging Live from My schools computer lab. The keyboard sucks!! Couldn't type properly!!
I just hate my schools computer sucks!

Just blogging foir the trill of doing other thing under a techer's nose.

Nothing else to type here.

Flying off
Shawn Koh Z.K.

That Guitar Strummed again
The Violin got mysteriously bowed

Wednesday, July 4, 2007 @7/04/2007 10:35:00 PM

Haven't been blogging for the past 3 weeks to a month.
Back in school, back to the hustle and bustle of homeworks, CCA , long hours of lessons, ETC.

Also this term, i was given a chance to learn the Guitar. The instrument I've always wanted to learn. As you would see the main pictures of my Blog, Guitar and violin are the instruments of my life. Ok shan't talk too much nonsense. I'll jump straight to the course detail.

This guitar course, conducted by J2 students from AJC (Anderson Junior college), was a three session course which will equip us with the beginner adequate skills to play a song. Today was the first lesson. I went with the closes people i have in school. Mys God-sister Evelyn, Fariz, Ariffin and my classmate David.

At first the lesson was made a little lame. The J2 seem to be out of ideas to use. We played "wacko" . I've been playing this game ever since i step into my school. During NCC especially. Anyway main part of the course was to learn how to play the guitar. Soon after the game, we got to business. the instructors started to "choose" us. Within the nest 10 minutes, we were sited with a guitar each to practice with.

First we were taught the difference between a classical Guitar and an acoustic one. The main differences were the type of strings it uses and the fretboard size. Than i came to realized that my own guitar was an acoustic one.

Next was a theory lesson, to me this was the most important part because since i started to learn the violin i did not learn any theory at all. i was note blind. So this time round i must make it appoint to learn up the theory for guitars.

After theory, it was Jamming time. We started to pluck the strings. From the low E string to the high E string. Using all the finger except our pinky to pluck.

All in all the course was fun and very educational. I learn quite a lot of things on the guitar.

My only regret was not bringing my own guitar. I must bring my next week!!!

Guitar Rules!!!!!!!!

Flying off
Shawn Koh Z.K

That Guitar Strummed again
The Violin got mysteriously bowed

. Who am I??

[Name] Shawn Koh Z.K.
[Second Name] Enduran
[Chinese Name] 许肇康
[Age] 18
[First Cry] 16121991
[School] Millennia Institute
[Class] 09B6/10B5/10B4

\m/ The ROCKER \m/

I AM Enduran

I AM a Violinist
I AM a Guitarist
I AM a First Sergeant(Expired)
I AM a Linkin park Fan
I AM a Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Fan
I AM a Alter Bridge Fan
I AM a Creed Fan
I AM a Student
I AM an Outward Bounder
I AM a Proud owner of an ASUS X61G
I AM a Floorballer

I LIKE Airplanes
I LIKE Helicopters
I LIKE my Story books
I LIKE my X-Box

I LOVE Music
I LOVE Myself
I LOVE my Violin
I LOVE my Guitar ~ Rally GL-300 Trans Amber (named Amber)

I NEED a PRS Guitar (SE Custom 24/SE Tremonti/SE Torero)
I NEED a Taylor Ce614 acoustic Guitar
I NEED a Mashall Amp/ Mesa Boogies Amp
I NEED plenty of Effect pedals
I NEED more Music in my life
I NEED more personal Space
I NEED to lose weight

I HATE Backstabbers
I HATE people that hate me for no reason(s)
I HATE People to pressurise me
I HATE having no FREEDOM


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::Ren Jie::
::Miss Ng::
::Syed (OBS Watchmate)::
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::Samuel Nicholas Chu (OBS Instucter )::
::Black Forest The Band::

Koh Zhao Kang Shawn
Koh Zhao Kang Shawn
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