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Thursday, November 29, 2007 @11/29/2007 06:13:00 PM

One of the best enjoyment time was the trip to Chongqing, China, Which ended just yesterday. My feeling was mixed, I did not know whether it was Happy to be home or was it sad to leave such a beautiful place.....

During my stay in Chongqing, i wrote a little Journal, But it was left unfinished due to time constraint.... I had only time to pen down roughly about 2 day of my stay...

Diary of Chongqing

Day 1

Yeap!! Just arrived, the plane landed at 11.35pm, temperature outside was 14 degrees. At the beginning, it was quite a shock that the winter weather here/there was so cold. I had only my Long-sleeved "criminal" liked shirt to take cover in. On the way across the custom, i almost had to take the next plane back to Singapore. What a Joke? It was because the Guards couldn't understand the passport extension chopped onto my passport. Lucky thing our journey for the day ended here, we headed for the hotel straight. At about 12.40, we reached our hotel, Best Western Chongqing. They claim to be the largest chain of hotels round the globe, with a record of 700 over buildings. Being only a 3-stared hotel i did not expect much, the least expected was a heater... But what i got was an AIR-Con... ha ha... One more good thing was that i got to stay in the hotel room all by myself. A twin sharing room all to myself. To me it was like a President Suite. My Father kept telling my that if i stayed alone in a twin sharing room i had "earned" for the hotel part. For tonight/that night I got tp sleep only at 3 A.M.

Day 2

Ah..... Why am i like my father?? I Left everthing in my room switched on.... event the television too. But luckly,i didn;t left my handphone screaming throughout the night or should i say morning. Today i manage to wake up at 6.38am. Good Thing that the People outside keeps making lots of noises by shouting and slamming doors, this has led to the waking of me. Ah.. why my phone always have no effect on me, i switch on the alarm, even used "This Calling" as the alarm tone...
Alright, Freezing and Shaking, i slided off my bigger-than-king-size bed and fall on purpose to kick start my "piston" engine. wearing my wind-breaker, i packed my "outing" Zinc bag and waited for the signal outside that everyone was moving for Breakfast. As I was an outcast in class, spying was necessary to not miss out on anything important. For Today/that day, it was the time needed for reporting. Till they were ready i took all my things and went out of my room and pretend that i just got ready to leave.
Breakfast, I hated eating breakfast since young. every time i had my breakfast when i was young, i always threw it all up. Breakfast from the hotel?? Pure Barbaric food... I was literally drinking oil.... For energy to start up the day i had to bear with it and "Down" some food. At about 8.30 am, we as a class set out for our first day with the school we were tasked to have exchange program with., QiuJing High School. The welcoming was very weird. The coordinator seem drunk during her introduction of the school. Being the 15th on the list, i was paired up with the number 15 of the class of Secondary 2/3/4. His Name was JiangShuai. At first it was very difficult to remember such a special name. Almost with no delay, He Presented me with a Welcoming gift. One of his Own calligraphy (I suppose).Till Date I still do not understand what was written. The Teacher-in-charge/coordinator, look rather strict. Her Enthusiasm gave me a little creeps. her introduction (to me) seemed very exerarating.
Our first lesson in China was , as all will not have guess, was GEOGRAPHY. Why of all lesson Geo? I So Wonder....But all in all these were quite educational, with facts that Singapore will never have any of these. The next period or lesson was a recital lesson. You may be asking What the hell is Recital lesson? Ha, the same dam question i was asking too.. The teacher came in did a brief introduction and the torture begun. Insane students reading their own self-compose poems that are nonsensical.That lesson literally took all my energy for the day away, just to keep my laughter within. From the time plan u could see how boring lesson were.
Alright, Lunch was no better off than breakfast. The Canteen food was like....... Instead of felling hungry, i fell nausea.With tie Green light to get out of the canteen and back to our hotel or go shop, i flew out. On the way out, a couple of guys from my class saw some Chinese playing Basketball. Being playful i guess they went on to spur on a match against the chinese. Ha.. Singapore Versus China.
The Match lasted for quite a while. Since I'm not into basketball, i did not know the result in the end. Than While i was watching the game the "extra" guy that came with us on this exchange program came to talk to me. From there i came to know that his Name is Leon, and to my surprise he was also from NCC Air. To be precise Swiss cottage Air. After that little chat we went to shop together during that ridiculously long lunch break. soon at about 1 p.m i bought my lunch, instant noodles, and proceed back to my "president suite" hotel room for the meal. Waiting for the time to pass, i watched television. To my amazement, China actually had an English Channel, CCTV5. Yea! and Why name it CCTV?? Though it stands for China Cable television, it seems to be Close circuit
television to me.
At 2.30 p.m we were once again summon to the Foyer area to gather.Time for us to get back to the school for a second round of torture. It was more lesson in the afternoon. For this afternoon it was on the Art of Calligraphy. Alright it went smoothly. Luckily my sister's school taught her Calligraphy before and i had learned some from her, thus i would not lose much face.

Alright this is only part of the trip's information Due to the lack of time.. It would be left undone...........................

That Guitar Strummed again
The Violin got mysteriously bowed

Thursday, November 1, 2007 @11/01/2007 05:00:00 PM

Ah....... Been of this blog for a dam fucking long time..... It's as if it dead already....

Many things happen during the recent times forcing me to abandon the habit of blogging.....

So here's to the revival of thy blog,

That Guitar Strummed again
The Violin got mysteriously bowed

. Who am I??

[Name] Shawn Koh Z.K.
[Second Name] Enduran
[Chinese Name] 许肇康
[Age] 18
[First Cry] 16121991
[School] Millennia Institute
[Class] 09B6/10B5/10B4

\m/ The ROCKER \m/

I AM Enduran

I AM a Violinist
I AM a Guitarist
I AM a First Sergeant(Expired)
I AM a Linkin park Fan
I AM a Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Fan
I AM a Alter Bridge Fan
I AM a Creed Fan
I AM a Student
I AM an Outward Bounder
I AM a Proud owner of an ASUS X61G
I AM a Floorballer

I LIKE Airplanes
I LIKE Helicopters
I LIKE my Story books
I LIKE my X-Box

I LOVE Music
I LOVE Myself
I LOVE my Violin
I LOVE my Guitar ~ Rally GL-300 Trans Amber (named Amber)

I NEED a PRS Guitar (SE Custom 24/SE Tremonti/SE Torero)
I NEED a Taylor Ce614 acoustic Guitar
I NEED a Mashall Amp/ Mesa Boogies Amp
I NEED plenty of Effect pedals
I NEED more Music in my life
I NEED more personal Space
I NEED to lose weight

I HATE Backstabbers
I HATE people that hate me for no reason(s)
I HATE People to pressurise me
I HATE having no FREEDOM


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

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::Eric (Best Friend)(Achives)::
::Eleanna (MI 10S5)::
::Jia Qing (AMKSS 085A)::
::Sok Zhen (AMKSS 085B)::
::Ming Guan (AMKSS 085B)::
::Yam Hong (AMKSS 085A)::
::PeiLin (AMKSS 085A)::
::Priscilla Beh (AMKSS 085A)::
::Sabriya Soh (AMKSS 085A)::
::Jaslyn Wong (AMKSS 085A)::
::Chin Siang(MI 09B6)::
::Fawnia (MI 09B6)Blogger::
::Fawnia (MI 09B6)Tumblr::
::Sylvia (MI 09B6)::
::Afiqah (MI 09B6)::
::Shuhada (MI 09B6)::
::Sabariah (MI 09B6)::
::Asyraf (MI 09B6)::
::Kim? (MI 09B6)::
::Irfan Silalahi (MI 09S4)::
::Amanda (MI 10S2)::
::Ren Jie::
::Miss Ng::
::Syed (OBS Watchmate)::
::Yang Meng (OBS Watchmate)::
::Samuel Nicholas Chu (OBS Instucter )::
::Black Forest The Band::

Koh Zhao Kang Shawn
Koh Zhao Kang Shawn
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